Requirements Gathering.
Static Website
Static Website
A static website is a collection of web pages that do not change unless the website’s creator manually updates them. Websites are made up of HTML, CSS, and occasionally JavaScript files that deliver content as it is stored, as opposed to dynamic websites, which rely on databases and server-side scripting to generate content instantly. The term “static website” might seem quaint in the constantly changing world of web development. But it is crucial to understand that in the digital world, websites still occupy a significant position. The power of static websites will be revealed, and this guide will give you a thorough understanding of this frequently underappreciated technology, whether you are an experienced web developer or a curious newbie.
Static websites are becoming more popular once again in the constantly changing world of web development. Static websites are regaining popularity due to their simplicity, speed, and security, despite dynamic websites with their database-driven content management systems (CMS) like WordPress and Drupal having previously dominated the market. The benefits of static websites will be discussed in this piece, along with the reasons why businesses and developers are increasingly choosing them.
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• Websites are cost-effective to host and maintain. They require less server resources, reducing hosting costs. Additionally, with no need for complex CMS installations and ongoing maintenance, the overall expenses are significantly lower.
• Scalability: Static sites handle high traffic loads more efficiently, as they can be easily cached by content delivery networks (CDNs) for global distribution.
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